The HackMaster role-playing game, the classic game that has been played by the comic strip characters in Knights of the Dinner Table Magazine, is now a reality! Taking the rules of first and second edition Dungeons and Dragons, the good people at Kenzer and Company have crafted a new game system that is compatible with the current Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. It’s just like the original D & D, but with ten times the violence and bloodshed. Our artwork appears in the Player’s Handbook, Game Master’s Guide, eight volumes of the Hacklopedia of Beasts and the numerous campaign modules.
There is an interesting story to how we were hired to work on HackMaster. It was late in the year 2000 and we were working on Knights of the Dinner Table: Illustrated #5. We had no idea the HackMaster game was in development. One of the strips we were working on for the issue was “Tough Noogies”, where the character El Ravager fights the Ami-Dugis Grove Minotaur. We really got a kick out of drawing the big, hulking Minotaur and emailed the guys at Kenzer and said, “Put more monsters in the comic! We want to draw more monsters!” They responded with and email telling us about the game and their need for artists for the Hacklopedia of Beasts. Naturally, we immediately said yes and the rest, as they say, is history. So far we’ve done over five hundred illustrations for the game system and enjoyed every minute of it!
For more information on Kenzer and Company, and the fine games and comics they publish, click onto their website at www.kenzerco.com.
“The art Brendon and Brian did for the HackMaster Role-playing Game
(including the Hacklopedia of Beasts) really made the all the difference.
It's amazing how their art is able to perfectly capture the look and feel we
were going with. They complement the text and help to immediately set the
tone of HackMaster for the reader. I just wish there were four of them,
instead of two, so we could pump twice as much artwork out of them!”
- Jolly R. Blackburn, Vice President of Kenzer & Co.
“Your art for HackMaster gets better with each submission!! GREAT JOB!
- David S. Kenzer, President of Kenzer & Co.
“DANG!!! I can't believe the kind of work you're crankin' out. Excellent!”
- Bob Burke, Kenzer & Co. Art Director