From the creator of Wiz-War comes the latest in the Wingnut Games line of Tom Jolly board games: Camelot! Excalibur is stuck in that stone again and every Arthur in the kingdom wants it! Designed with Tom Jolly’s patented Lightning System, game play is swift with a sense of urgency to turn taking because any slow players will be left behind.
This was a fun game to work on because we’ve always had an interest in the Arthurian legend. We drew the box cover illustration, designed the logo and did the various character game pieces. The game is for 3-6 players with playing time ranging from approximately 5 to 30 minutes.
For more information and ordering instructions, click on www.wingnutgames.com/camelot.htm

A “Revolutionary” game from the creator of Wiz-War, Tom Jolly! Who could have guessed the Boston Tea Party was so much more complex than what is written in the history books? The object of the game is to get as many of your tea crates onto your boat, and to toss the other player’s tea into the bay. However, not only are tea crates being tossed into the bay, but so are the dockworkers if they aren’t being squished between the very same crates they are tossing.
This was the first board game we ever did and we saw it as a great challenge. We did the art for the box cover, designed the logo, drew the game board, and drew the various character game pieces. The game is designed for 2-4 players with an average playing time of 30-60 minutes. We recently played this game with a few of our friends and we definitely had a good time. Be warned, it can turn “cut throat” very quickly!
For more information and ordering instructions, click on www.wingnutgames.com/cargo.htm
Tom Jolly’s Camelot game and Tom Jolly’s Cargo game are Copyright 2019 Wingnut Games. The Lightning Game System is Patent Pending and is Copyright 2019 Jolly Games.
Tom Jolly’s Camelot game and Tom Jolly’s Cargo game are Copyright 2019 Wingnut Games. The Lightning Game System is Patent Pending and is Copyright 2019 Jolly Games.